essentials for immune boosting

Your immune system is a big deal. It carries the job of fighting a big war everyday to protect your body. It is the almighty defender against infectious organisms and other invaders. This is how your body protects you against disease and infection and keeps you healthy. There are important steps that I take with my family to help all of our immune systems function more optimally. Below are my 5 best practices to enhance your immune system and give your body it's best chance for a healthy flu/cold season and all year long.

I'm thrilled to report that this family of five has only fought a few colds this season and with Spring around the corner, I think we are making it to the finish line. Hey, if you can divert the next cold, flu or stomach bug going around, then that's some good advice!

1. A high nutrient dense Diet filled with vibrant colored fruits and veggies, quality meats, seeds, eggs and little to no processed foods.

2. Sleep, this is a powerhouse for your health. 7-8 hours of sleep for adults and 10-12 hours for children. Keep a very strict bedtime schedule for your family. Waking up well rested can make a substantial difference in your immune health.

3. Homeopathy, This is my favorite and has changed how I treat my family for acute illnesses. I will share my knowledge and go to remedies that you can use for your family soon.

4. Sunlight, nature, fresh air!!!! Get out there, stand in front of a window, soak up that vitamin D.

5. Elderberry Syrup This recipe in the link is a wonderful How-to video from Mommypotamus. I give this to my children everyday. 1 tsp. when they are healthy and up to 1 Tbsp. 3 times a day when they are fighting a cold. Elderberries contain naturally high immune boosting compounds that are specifically shown to reduce the duration of a cold. You can buy a similar product at your local health food store, but it is really expensive. There is a great sense of accomplishment when you can make something from scratch for your give it a try!

I hope that you will take a few of these ideas and add them to your families arsenal of living a healthy lifestyle.